BDO's graduate recruitment scheme was perceived as outdated and poorly conceived. We were tasked by BDO with completely reimagining how their Early in Careers offering looked and felt through a campaign across multiple channels and touchpoints.

Developing the campaign

We started by integrating the letters B, D and O into a typographical lockup that could be used to convey BDOs graduate messaging.

Campaign artwork
Campaign artwork
Campaign artwork
Campaign artwork

Taking stock!

We then sourced a suite of stock images that could be used in campaign material in conjunction with the typographic approach we developed.

Campaign visual
Campaign artwork
Campaign artwork
Photography contact sheet

Market research

High Fliers Research is an independent market research company which specialises in student and graduate research. This research is the basis for the annual Times Top 100 Graduate Employers.

We worked closely with High Fliers during the project to identify what BDO were doing badly, what their competitors were doing well and gained invaluable insight and feedback. This initial feedback and research allowed us to conduct UX workshops and user testing from a much stronger position.

High Fliers 2017

Making sense of it all

Working closely with the BDO graduate team we then conducted a lengthy workshop to start mapping out the UX. I encouraged the team to start writing down all the various elements, ideas & requirements that the site would have on cards. We then arranged these cards using an affinity mapping/open card-sorting process to start creating distinct grouped areas.

Using the results of this workshop in conjunction with the user research and competitor analysis from High Fliers we were able to put a working information architecture together.

Website architecture

Refine the experience

Once we had our site architecture and navigational structure we could then start taking the content we had from the client to develop a wire-framed lo-res clickable prototype that could be tested by users and stakeholders to generate feedback. This combined feedback on pain-points and gains was then used to quickly iterate and refine the user experience.

Creating personality

The website would need to be editable and updatable by the BDO team. The site would also need to be aesthetically in-line with BDO's new brand guidelines but also have it's own personality. To this end we designed a block-based interface that leant itself well to being broken up into modular component building blocks that the client could use to build out pages and sections.

Screenshot of the website
Screenshot of the website
Screenshot of the website

Less bounce to the ounce!

As a result of the new website, the BDO Early in Career programme jumped to 1st place on the Google search listing and bounce rates dropped by 30%. Following the launch BDO received 7,000 applicants in the first 6 months.

As of early 2020 the marketing campaign has been shortlisted for the Times Graduate Recruitment Awards.

Screenshot of the website
Screenshot of the website
Screenshot of the website
Screenshot of the website
Screenshot of the website
"Simon shares his experience and knowledge with his co-workers, creating strong staff support around him. Most importantly he builds trust with the client. I always felt that Simon listened to me and had a business intelligence that can be lacking on some designers, he understood and I always trusted his judgement. I would certainly recommend Simon to anyone that is on the lookout for a first-class digital designer."

Ashley Mackie - Head of Marketing